Chapter 5 Slides (Modal Inference)
McFarlane: Modal Systems
Dimitri Hendriks’ Slides on Modal Logic
proofbox.sty is posted!
Van Bentham Resource on Modal Logic
Here is a great resource from one of the most influential logicians alive.
Johan van Benthem’s book, Modal Logic for Open Minds, is a wonderfully clear introduction to the new synthesis, bringing ideas from logic, philosophy, computer science, and linguistics.
Modal Logic Notes by Eric Pacuit
Semantics of First Order Logic
Here are some notes of mine that might be helpful.
Ben-Ari’s article on semantic tableaux
Ben-Ari’s article on semantic tableaux.
Semantic Tableaux
I’ve posted a couple of good articles about propositional logic and the use of tableaux in proofs. The first is a great article by Mordechai Ben-Ari called
“Propositional Logic: Formulas, Models, Tableaux”
The second is a set of slidesĀ on tableaux from Paolo Liberatore’s course on automated reasoning: