The Course


In this course, we examine the range of logical systems known as modal logics. Modal logics are languages for talking about relational structures from an internal and local perspective. They include: temporal logic, spatial logic, deontic logic, epistemic logic, and dynamic logic. We will also study Linear Temporal Logic and Computational Tree Logic. Throughout our analyses of these systems, we will focus on how they are used in the study of language, including several first-order modal languages: quantified modal logic and quantified dynamic logic.

Time: Tuesday and Friday, 12:30 PM-1:50 PM

Location: Volen 106



Professor: James Pustejovsky

258 Volen Center


Office Hours: Tuesday/Friday, 3 PM-4 PM

Teaching Assistant: Nikhil Krishnaswamy

110 Volen Center (or Vertica Lounge)


Office Hours: Tuesday/Friday, 1 PM-2 PM


Grading Information

Your grade for this class is based on problem sets, a final exam, and class participation. The breakdown is as follows:

  • Problem Sets (6-7) – 65%
  • Final Exam – 25%
  • Class Participation – 10%

Late Policy: Problem sets are due at the beginning of class unless otherwise stated. For each day your assignment is late, you will lose 5%. No extensions will be granted on the due date without a documented reason.